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isom_write.c File Reference
+ Include dependency graph for isom_write.c:


GF_Err CanAccessMovie (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 Mode)
static GF_Err unpack_track (GF_TrackBox *trak)
GF_Err FlushCaptureMode (GF_ISOFile *movie)
static GF_Err CheckNoData (GF_ISOFile *movie)
GF_Err AddMovieIOD (GF_MovieBox *moov, u8 isIOD)
GF_Err gf_isom_add_track_to_root_od (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_root_od (GF_ISOFile *movie)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_track_from_root_od (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_creation_time (GF_ISOFile *movie, u64 time)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_creation_time (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u64 time)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_enabled (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u8 enableTrack)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_media_language (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, char *three_char_code)
static void gf_isom_set_root_iod (GF_ISOFile *movie)
GF_Err gf_isom_add_desc_to_root_od (GF_ISOFile *movie, GF_Descriptor *theDesc)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_timescale (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 timeScale)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_pl_indication (GF_ISOFile *movie, u8 PL_Code, u8 ProfileLevel)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_root_od_id (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 OD_ID)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_root_od_url (GF_ISOFile *movie, char *url_string)
u32 gf_isom_new_track (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trakID, u32 MediaType, u32 TimeScale)
GF_Err gf_isom_new_mpeg4_description (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, GF_ESD *esd, char *URLname, char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_add_sample (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, GF_ISOSample *sample)
GF_Err gf_isom_add_sample_shadow (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, GF_ISOSample *sample)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_rap (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_append_sample_data (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, char *data, u32 data_size)
GF_Err gf_isom_add_sample_reference (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, GF_ISOSample *sample, u64 dataOffset)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_last_sample_duration (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 duration)
GF_Err gf_isom_update_sample (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, GF_ISOSample *sample, Bool data_only)
GF_Err gf_isom_update_sample_reference (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, GF_ISOSample *sample, u64 data_offset)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_sample (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_final_name (GF_ISOFile *movie, char *filename)
GF_Err gf_isom_add_desc_to_description (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, GF_Descriptor *theDesc)
GF_Err gf_isom_change_mpeg4_description (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, GF_ESD *newESD)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_visual_info (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, u32 Width, u32 Height)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_pixel_aspect_ratio (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, u32 hSpacing, u32 vSpacing)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_audio_info (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, u32 sampleRate, u32 nbChannels, u8 bitsPerSample)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_storage_mode (GF_ISOFile *movie, u8 storageMode)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_edit_segment (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u64 EditTime, u64 EditDuration, u64 MediaTime, u8 EditMode)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_edit_segments (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_edit_segment (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 seg_index)
GF_Err gf_isom_append_edit_segment (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u64 EditDuration, u64 MediaTime, u8 EditMode)
GF_Err gf_isom_modify_edit_segment (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 seg_index, u64 EditDuration, u64 MediaTime, u8 EditMode)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_track (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_copyright (GF_ISOFile *movie, const char *threeCharCode, char *notice)
GF_Err gf_isom_add_chapter (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u64 timestamp, char *name)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_chapter (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 index)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_copyright (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 index)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_watermark (GF_ISOFile *movie, bin128 UUID, u8 *data, u32 length)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_interleave_time (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 InterleaveTime)
u32 gf_isom_get_interleave_time (GF_ISOFile *movie)
u8 gf_isom_get_storage_mode (GF_ISOFile *movie)
GF_Err gf_isom_use_compact_size (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u8 CompactionOn)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_brand_info (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 MajorBrand, u32 MinorVersion)
GF_Err gf_isom_modify_alternate_brand (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 Brand, u8 AddIt)
GF_Err gf_isom_reset_alt_brands (GF_ISOFile *movie)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_padding_bits (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, u8 NbBits)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_user_data_item (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 UserDataType, bin128 UUID, u32 UserDataIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_user_data (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 UserDataType, bin128 UUID)
GF_Err gf_isom_add_user_data (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 UserDataType, bin128 UUID, char *data, u32 DataLength)
GF_Err gf_isom_add_sample_fragment (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, u16 FragmentSize)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_sample_fragment (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_sample_fragments (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_clone_pl_indications (GF_ISOFile *orig, GF_ISOFile *dest)
GF_Err gf_isom_clone_box (GF_Box *src, GF_Box **dst)
GF_Err gf_isom_clone_movie (GF_ISOFile *orig_file, GF_ISOFile *dest_file, Bool clone_tracks, Bool keep_hint_tracks, Bool keep_pssh)
GF_Err gf_isom_clone_track (GF_ISOFile *orig_file, u32 orig_track, GF_ISOFile *dest_file, Bool keep_data_ref, u32 *dest_track)
GF_Err gf_isom_clone_sample_descriptions (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_ISOFile *orig_file, u32 orig_track, Bool reset_existing)
GF_Err gf_isom_clone_sample_description (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_ISOFile *orig_file, u32 orig_track, u32 orig_desc_index, char *URLname, char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_new_generic_sample_description (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, char *URLname, char *URNname, GF_GenericSampleDescription *udesc, u32 *outDescriptionIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_change_generic_sample_description (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, GF_GenericSampleDescription *udesc)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_sample_description (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 streamDescIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_reference (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 referenceType, u32 ReferencedTrackID)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_track_reference (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 referenceType, u32 ReferenceIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_id (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 trackID)
GF_Err gf_isom_rewrite_track_dependencies (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_modify_cts_offset (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sample_number, u32 offset)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_cts_info (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_cts_packing (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, Bool unpack)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_matrix (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 matrix[9])
GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_layout_info (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 width, u32 height, s32 translation_x, s32 translation_y, s16 layer)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_name (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, char *name)
const char * gf_isom_get_track_name (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_store_movie_config (GF_ISOFile *movie, Bool remove_all)
GF_Err gf_isom_load_movie_config (GF_ISOFile *movie)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_media_timescale (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 newTS, Bool force_rescale)
Bool gf_isom_is_same_sample_description (GF_ISOFile *f1, u32 tk1, u32 sdesc_index1, GF_ISOFile *f2, u32 tk2, u32 sdesc_index2)
u64 gf_isom_estimate_size (GF_ISOFile *movie)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_sync_shadows (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_sync_shadow (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, u32 syncSample)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_group (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 GroupID)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_priority_in_group (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 Priority)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_max_samples_per_chunk (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 maxSamplesPerChunk)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_extraction_slc (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, GF_SLConfig *slConfig)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_extraction_slc (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, GF_SLConfig **slConfig)
u32 gf_isom_get_track_group (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
u32 gf_isom_get_track_priority_in_group (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_make_interleave (GF_ISOFile *file, Double TimeInSec)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_handler_name (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, const char *nameUTF8)
GF_Err gf_isom_clone_root_od (GF_ISOFile *input, GF_ISOFile *output)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_media_type (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 new_type)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_media_subtype (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 new_type)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_JPEG2000 (GF_ISOFile *mov, Bool set_on)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_uuid (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, bin128 UUID)
GF_Err gf_isom_add_uuid (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, bin128 UUID, char *data, u32 data_size)
GF_Err gf_isom_apple_set_tag (GF_ISOFile *mov, u32 tag, const char *data, u32 data_len)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_alternate_group_id (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 groupId)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_switch_parameter (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 trackRefGroup, Bool is_switch_group, u32 *switchGroupID, u32 *criteriaList, u32 criteriaListCount)
void reset_tsel_box (GF_TrackBox *trak)
GF_Err gf_isom_reset_track_switch_parameter (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, Bool reset_all_group)
GF_Err gf_isom_reset_switch_parameters (GF_ISOFile *movie)
GF_Err gf_isom_timed_meta_data_config_new (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, Bool is_xml, char *mime_or_namespace, char *content_encoding, char *schema_loc, char *URLname, char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_add_subsample (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 track, u32 sampleNumber, u32 subSampleSize, u8 priority, u32 reserved, Bool discardable)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_rvc_config (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 track, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u16 rvc_predefined, char *mime, char *data, u32 size)
GF_Err gf_isom_add_sample_group_entry (GF_List *sampleGroups, u32 sample_number, u32 grouping_type, u32 sampleGroupDescriptionIndex)
static GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_group_info (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 track, u32 sample_number, u32 grouping_type, void *udta, void *(*sg_create_entry)(void *udta), Bool(*sg_compare_entry)(void *udta, void *entry))
void * sg_rap_create_entry (void *udta)
Bool sg_rap_compare_entry (void *udta, void *entry)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_rap_group (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 track, u32 sample_number, u32 num_leading_samples)
void * sg_roll_create_entry (void *udta)
Bool sg_roll_compare_entry (void *udta, void *entry)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_roll_group (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 track, u32 sample_number, s16 roll_distance)
void * sg_encryption_create_entry (void *udta)
Bool sg_encryption_compare_entry (void *udta, void *entry)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_cenc_group (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 track, u32 sample_number, Bool isEncrypted, u8 IV_size, bin128 KeyID)
static GF_Err gf_isom_set_ctts_v1 (GF_ISOFile *file, u32 track, GF_TrackBox *trak)
static GF_Err gf_isom_set_ctts_v0 (GF_ISOFile *file, GF_TrackBox *trak)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_composition_offset_mode (GF_ISOFile *file, u32 track, Bool use_negative_offsets)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_sync_table (GF_ISOFile *file, u32 track)

Function Documentation

GF_Err CanAccessMovie ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  Mode 
static GF_Err unpack_track ( GF_TrackBox trak)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err FlushCaptureMode ( GF_ISOFile *  movie)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static GF_Err CheckNoData ( GF_ISOFile *  movie)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err AddMovieIOD ( GF_MovieBox moov,
u8  isIOD 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_add_track_to_root_od ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_root_od ( GF_ISOFile *  movie)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_track_from_root_od ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_creation_time ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u64  time 

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_creation_time ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u64  time 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_enabled ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u8  enableTrack 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_media_language ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
char *  three_char_code 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void gf_isom_set_root_iod ( GF_ISOFile *  movie)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_add_desc_to_root_od ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
GF_Descriptor theDesc 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_timescale ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  timeScale 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_pl_indication ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u8  PL_Code,
u8  ProfileLevel 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_root_od_id ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  OD_ID 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_root_od_url ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
char *  url_string 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_new_track ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trakID,
u32  MediaType,
u32  TimeScale 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_new_mpeg4_description ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
GF_ESD esd,
char *  URLname,
char *  URNname,
u32 outDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_add_sample ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex,
GF_ISOSample sample 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_add_sample_shadow ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
GF_ISOSample sample 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_rap ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_append_sample_data ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
char *  data,
u32  data_size 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_add_sample_reference ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex,
GF_ISOSample sample,
u64  dataOffset 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_last_sample_duration ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  duration 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_update_sample ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleNumber,
GF_ISOSample sample,
Bool  data_only 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_update_sample_reference ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleNumber,
GF_ISOSample sample,
u64  data_offset 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_sample ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_final_name ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
char *  filename 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_add_desc_to_description ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex,
GF_Descriptor theDesc 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_change_mpeg4_description ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex,

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_visual_info ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex,
u32  Width,
u32  Height 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_pixel_aspect_ratio ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex,
u32  hSpacing,
u32  vSpacing 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_audio_info ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex,
u32  sampleRate,
u32  nbChannels,
u8  bitsPerSample 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_storage_mode ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u8  storageMode 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_edit_segment ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u64  EditTime,
u64  EditDuration,
u64  MediaTime,
u8  EditMode 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_edit_segments ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_edit_segment ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  seg_index 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_append_edit_segment ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u64  EditDuration,
u64  MediaTime,
u8  EditMode 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_modify_edit_segment ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  seg_index,
u64  EditDuration,
u64  MediaTime,
u8  EditMode 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_track ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_copyright ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
const char *  threeCharCode,
char *  notice 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_add_chapter ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u64  timestamp,
char *  name 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_chapter ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  index 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_copyright ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  index 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_watermark ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
bin128  UUID,
u8 data,
u32  length 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_interleave_time ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  InterleaveTime 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_interleave_time ( GF_ISOFile *  movie)
u8 gf_isom_get_storage_mode ( GF_ISOFile *  movie)
GF_Err gf_isom_use_compact_size ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u8  CompactionOn 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_brand_info ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  MajorBrand,
u32  MinorVersion 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_modify_alternate_brand ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  Brand,
u8  AddIt 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_reset_alt_brands ( GF_ISOFile *  movie)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_padding_bits ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleNumber,
u8  NbBits 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_user_data_item ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  UserDataType,
bin128  UUID,
u32  UserDataIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_user_data ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  UserDataType,
bin128  UUID 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_add_user_data ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  UserDataType,
bin128  UUID,
char *  data,
u32  DataLength 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_add_sample_fragment ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleNumber,
u16  FragmentSize 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_sample_fragment ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_sample_fragments ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_clone_pl_indications ( GF_ISOFile *  orig,
GF_ISOFile *  dest 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_clone_box ( GF_Box src,
GF_Box **  dst 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_clone_movie ( GF_ISOFile *  orig_file,
GF_ISOFile *  dest_file,
Bool  clone_tracks,
Bool  keep_hint_tracks,
Bool  keep_pssh 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_clone_track ( GF_ISOFile *  orig_file,
u32  orig_track,
GF_ISOFile *  dest_file,
Bool  keep_data_ref,
u32 dest_track 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_clone_sample_descriptions ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
GF_ISOFile *  orig_file,
u32  orig_track,
Bool  reset_existing 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_clone_sample_description ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
GF_ISOFile *  orig_file,
u32  orig_track,
u32  orig_desc_index,
char *  URLname,
char *  URNname,
u32 outDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_new_generic_sample_description ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
char *  URLname,
char *  URNname,
GF_GenericSampleDescription udesc,
u32 outDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_change_generic_sample_description ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex,
GF_GenericSampleDescription udesc 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_sample_description ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  streamDescIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_reference ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  referenceType,
u32  ReferencedTrackID 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_track_reference ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  referenceType,
u32  ReferenceIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_id ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  trackID 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_rewrite_track_dependencies ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_modify_cts_offset ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sample_number,
u32  offset 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_cts_info ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_cts_packing ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
Bool  unpack 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_matrix ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  matrix[9] 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_layout_info ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  width,
u32  height,
s32  translation_x,
s32  translation_y,
s16  layer 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_name ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
char *  name 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

const char* gf_isom_get_track_name ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_store_movie_config ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
Bool  remove_all 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_load_movie_config ( GF_ISOFile *  movie)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_media_timescale ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  newTS,
Bool  force_rescale 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool gf_isom_is_same_sample_description ( GF_ISOFile *  f1,
u32  tk1,
u32  sdesc_index1,
GF_ISOFile *  f2,
u32  tk2,
u32  sdesc_index2 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u64 gf_isom_estimate_size ( GF_ISOFile *  movie)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_sync_shadows ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_sync_shadow ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleNumber,
u32  syncSample 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_group ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  GroupID 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_priority_in_group ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  Priority 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_max_samples_per_chunk ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  maxSamplesPerChunk 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_extraction_slc ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex,
GF_SLConfig slConfig 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_extraction_slc ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex,
GF_SLConfig **  slConfig 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_track_group ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_track_priority_in_group ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_make_interleave ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
Double  TimeInSec 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_handler_name ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
const char *  nameUTF8 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_clone_root_od ( GF_ISOFile *  input,
GF_ISOFile *  output 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_media_type ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  new_type 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_media_subtype ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleDescriptionIndex,
u32  new_type 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_JPEG2000 ( GF_ISOFile *  mov,
Bool  set_on 
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_uuid ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
bin128  UUID 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_add_uuid ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
bin128  UUID,
char *  data,
u32  data_size 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_apple_set_tag ( GF_ISOFile *  mov,
u32  tag,
const char *  data,
u32  data_len 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_alternate_group_id ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  groupId 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_switch_parameter ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  trackRefGroup,
Bool  is_switch_group,
u32 switchGroupID,
u32 criteriaList,
u32  criteriaListCount 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void reset_tsel_box ( GF_TrackBox trak)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_reset_track_switch_parameter ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
Bool  reset_all_group 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_reset_switch_parameters ( GF_ISOFile *  movie)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_timed_meta_data_config_new ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
Bool  is_xml,
char *  mime_or_namespace,
char *  content_encoding,
char *  schema_loc,
char *  URLname,
char *  URNname,
u32 outDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_add_subsample ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  track,
u32  sampleNumber,
u32  subSampleSize,
u8  priority,
u32  reserved,
Bool  discardable 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_rvc_config ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  track,
u32  sampleDescriptionIndex,
u16  rvc_predefined,
char *  mime,
char *  data,
u32  size 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_add_sample_group_entry ( GF_List *  sampleGroups,
u32  sample_number,
u32  grouping_type,
u32  sampleGroupDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_group_info ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  track,
u32  sample_number,
u32  grouping_type,
void *  udta,
void *(*)(void *udta)  sg_create_entry,
Bool(*)(void *udta, void *entry)  sg_compare_entry 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void* sg_rap_create_entry ( void *  udta)

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool sg_rap_compare_entry ( void *  udta,
void *  entry 

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_rap_group ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  track,
u32  sample_number,
u32  num_leading_samples 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void* sg_roll_create_entry ( void *  udta)

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool sg_roll_compare_entry ( void *  udta,
void *  entry 

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_roll_group ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  track,
u32  sample_number,
s16  roll_distance 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void* sg_encryption_create_entry ( void *  udta)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool sg_encryption_compare_entry ( void *  udta,
void *  entry 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_cenc_group ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  track,
u32  sample_number,
Bool  isEncrypted,
u8  IV_size,
bin128  KeyID 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static GF_Err gf_isom_set_ctts_v1 ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
u32  track,
GF_TrackBox trak 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static GF_Err gf_isom_set_ctts_v0 ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
GF_TrackBox trak 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_composition_offset_mode ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
u32  track,
Bool  use_negative_offsets 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_sync_table ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
u32  track 

+ Here is the call graph for this function: