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isomedia.h File Reference
#include <gpac/tools.h>
#include <gpac/mpeg4_odf.h>
+ Include dependency graph for isomedia.h:
+ This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:

Data Structures

struct  GF_ISOSample
struct  GF_GenericSampleDescription
struct  GF_3GPConfig
struct  GF_ISMASample
struct  GF_CENCSubSampleEntry
struct  GF_CENCSampleAuxInfo
struct  GF_DIMSDescription
struct  __ec3_stream
struct  GF_AC3Config


enum  {
enum  {
enum  {
  GF_ISOM_REF_OD = ((( 'm' )<<24)|(( 'p' )<<16)|(( 'o' )<<8)|( 'd' )), GF_ISOM_REF_DECODE = ((( 'd' )<<24)|(( 'p' )<<16)|(( 'n' )<<8)|( 'd' )), GF_ISOM_REF_OCR = ((( 's' )<<24)|(( 'y' )<<16)|(( 'n' )<<8)|( 'c' )), GF_ISOM_REF_IPI = ((( 'i' )<<24)|(( 'p' )<<16)|(( 'i' )<<8)|( 'r' )),
  GF_ISOM_REF_META = ((( 'c' )<<24)|(( 'd' )<<16)|(( 's' )<<8)|( 'c' )), GF_ISOM_REF_HINT = ((( 'h' )<<24)|(( 'i' )<<16)|(( 'n' )<<8)|( 't' )), GF_ISOM_REF_CHAP = ((( 'c' )<<24)|(( 'h' )<<16)|(( 'a' )<<8)|( 'p' )), GF_ISOM_REF_BASE = ((( 's' )<<24)|(( 'b' )<<16)|(( 'a' )<<8)|( 's' )),
  GF_ISOM_REF_SCAL = ((( 's' )<<24)|(( 'c' )<<16)|(( 'a' )<<8)|( 'l' ))
enum  {
  GF_ISOM_MEDIA_VISUAL = ((( 'v' )<<24)|(( 'i' )<<16)|(( 'd' )<<8)|( 'e' )), GF_ISOM_MEDIA_AUDIO = ((( 's' )<<24)|(( 'o' )<<16)|(( 'u' )<<8)|( 'n' )), GF_ISOM_MEDIA_HINT = ((( 'h' )<<24)|(( 'i' )<<16)|(( 'n' )<<8)|( 't' )), GF_ISOM_MEDIA_META = ((( 'm' )<<24)|(( 'e' )<<16)|(( 't' )<<8)|( 'a' )),
  GF_ISOM_MEDIA_TEXT = ((( 't' )<<24)|(( 'e' )<<16)|(( 'x' )<<8)|( 't' )), GF_ISOM_MEDIA_SUBT = ((( 's' )<<24)|(( 'b' )<<16)|(( 't' )<<8)|( 'l' )), GF_ISOM_MEDIA_SUBPIC = ((( 's' )<<24)|(( 'u' )<<16)|(( 'b' )<<8)|( 'p' )), GF_ISOM_MEDIA_MPEG_SUBT = ((( 's' )<<24)|(( 'u' )<<16)|(( 'b' )<<8)|( 't' )),
  GF_ISOM_MEDIA_OD = ((( 'o' )<<24)|(( 'd' )<<16)|(( 's' )<<8)|( 'm' )), GF_ISOM_MEDIA_OCR = ((( 'c' )<<24)|(( 'r' )<<16)|(( 's' )<<8)|( 'm' )), GF_ISOM_MEDIA_SCENE = ((( 's' )<<24)|(( 'd' )<<16)|(( 's' )<<8)|( 'm' )), GF_ISOM_MEDIA_MPEG7 = ((( 'm' )<<24)|(( '7' )<<16)|(( 's' )<<8)|( 'm' )),
  GF_ISOM_MEDIA_OCI = ((( 'o' )<<24)|(( 'c' )<<16)|(( 's' )<<8)|( 'm' )), GF_ISOM_MEDIA_IPMP = ((( 'i' )<<24)|(( 'p' )<<16)|(( 's' )<<8)|( 'm' )), GF_ISOM_MEDIA_MPEGJ = ((( 'm' )<<24)|(( 'j' )<<16)|(( 's' )<<8)|( 'm' )), GF_ISOM_MEDIA_ESM = ((( 'g' )<<24)|(( 'e' )<<16)|(( 's' )<<8)|( 'm' )),
  GF_ISOM_MEDIA_DIMS = ((( 'd' )<<24)|(( 'i' )<<16)|(( 'm' )<<8)|( 's' )), GF_ISOM_MEDIA_FLASH = ((( 'f' )<<24)|(( 'l' )<<16)|(( 's' )<<8)|( 'h' ))
enum  {
  GF_ISOM_BOX_UUID_PSEC = ((( 'P' )<<24)|(( 'S' )<<16)|(( 'E' )<<8)|( 'C' )), GF_ISOM_BOX_TYPE_SENC = ((( 's' )<<24)|(( 'e' )<<16)|(( 'n' )<<8)|( 'c' )), GF_ISOM_ISMACRYP_SCHEME = ((( 'i' )<<24)|(( 'A' )<<16)|(( 'E' )<<8)|( 'C' )), GF_ISOM_OMADRM_SCHEME = ((( 'o' )<<24)|(( 'd' )<<16)|(( 'k' )<<8)|( 'm' )),
  GF_ISOM_CENC_SCHEME = ((( 'c' )<<24)|(( 'e' )<<16)|(( 'n' )<<8)|( 'c' )), GF_ISOM_CBC_SCHEME = ((( 'c' )<<24)|(( 'b' )<<16)|(( 'c' )<<8)|( '1' ))
enum  {
  GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_MPEG4 = ((( 'M' )<<24)|(( 'P' )<<16)|(( 'E' )<<8)|( 'G' )), GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_MPEG4_CRYP = ((( 'E' )<<24)|(( 'N' )<<16)|(( 'C' )<<8)|( 'M' )), GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_AVC_H264 = ((( 'a' )<<24)|(( 'v' )<<16)|(( 'c' )<<8)|( '1' )), GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_AVC2_H264 = ((( 'a' )<<24)|(( 'v' )<<16)|(( 'c' )<<8)|( '2' )),
  GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_AVC3_H264 = ((( 'a' )<<24)|(( 'v' )<<16)|(( 'c' )<<8)|( '3' )), GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_AVC4_H264 = ((( 'a' )<<24)|(( 'v' )<<16)|(( 'c' )<<8)|( '4' )), GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_SVC_H264 = ((( 's' )<<24)|(( 'v' )<<16)|(( 'c' )<<8)|( '1' )), GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_HVC1 = ((( 'h' )<<24)|(( 'v' )<<16)|(( 'c' )<<8)|( '1' )),
  GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_HEV1 = ((( 'h' )<<24)|(( 'e' )<<16)|(( 'v' )<<8)|( '1' )), GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_HVC2 = ((( 'h' )<<24)|(( 'v' )<<16)|(( 'c' )<<8)|( '2' )), GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_HEV2 = ((( 'h' )<<24)|(( 'e' )<<16)|(( 'v' )<<8)|( '2' )), GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_SHC1 = ((( 's' )<<24)|(( 'h' )<<16)|(( 'c' )<<8)|( '1' )),
  GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_SHV1 = ((( 's' )<<24)|(( 'h' )<<16)|(( 'v' )<<8)|( '1' )), GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_3GP_H263 = ((( 's' )<<24)|(( '2' )<<16)|(( '6' )<<8)|( '3' )), GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_3GP_AMR = ((( 's' )<<24)|(( 'a' )<<16)|(( 'm' )<<8)|( 'r' )), GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_3GP_AMR_WB = ((( 's' )<<24)|(( 'a' )<<16)|(( 'w' )<<8)|( 'b' )),
  GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_3GP_EVRC = ((( 's' )<<24)|(( 'e' )<<16)|(( 'v' )<<8)|( 'c' )), GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_3GP_QCELP = ((( 's' )<<24)|(( 'q' )<<16)|(( 'c' )<<8)|( 'p' )), GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_3GP_SMV = ((( 's' )<<24)|(( 's' )<<16)|(( 'm' )<<8)|( 'v' )), GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_3GP_DIMS = ((( 'd' )<<24)|(( 'i' )<<16)|(( 'm' )<<8)|( 's' )),
  GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_AC3 = ((( 'a' )<<24)|(( 'c' )<<16)|(( '-' )<<8)|( '3' )), GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_LSR1 = ((( 'l' )<<24)|(( 's' )<<16)|(( 'r' )<<8)|( '1' )), GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_WVTT = ((( 'w' )<<24)|(( 'v' )<<16)|(( 't' )<<8)|( 't' )), GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_STSE = ((( 's' )<<24)|(( 't' )<<16)|(( 's' )<<8)|( 'e' )),
  GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_STPP = ((( 's' )<<24)|(( 't' )<<16)|(( 'p' )<<8)|( 'p' )), GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_SBTT = ((( 's' )<<24)|(( 'b' )<<16)|(( 't' )<<8)|( 't' ))
enum  {
enum  {
  GF_ISOM_BRAND_ISOM = ((( 'i' )<<24)|(( 's' )<<16)|(( 'o' )<<8)|( 'm' )), GF_ISOM_BRAND_ISO2 = ((( 'i' )<<24)|(( 's' )<<16)|(( 'o' )<<8)|( '2' )), GF_ISOM_BRAND_MP41 = ((( 'm' )<<24)|(( 'p' )<<16)|(( '4' )<<8)|( '1' )), GF_ISOM_BRAND_MP42 = ((( 'm' )<<24)|(( 'p' )<<16)|(( '4' )<<8)|( '2' )),
  GF_ISOM_BRAND_MJP2 = ((( 'm' )<<24)|(( 'j' )<<16)|(( 'p' )<<8)|( '2' )), GF_ISOM_BRAND_MJ2S = ((( 'm' )<<24)|(( 'j' )<<16)|(( '2' )<<8)|( 's' )), GF_ISOM_BRAND_3GP4 = ((( '3' )<<24)|(( 'g' )<<16)|(( 'p' )<<8)|( '4' )), GF_ISOM_BRAND_3GP5 = ((( '3' )<<24)|(( 'g' )<<16)|(( 'p' )<<8)|( '5' )),
  GF_ISOM_BRAND_3GP6 = ((( '3' )<<24)|(( 'g' )<<16)|(( 'p' )<<8)|( '6' )), GF_ISOM_BRAND_3GG6 = ((( '3' )<<24)|(( 'g' )<<16)|(( 'g' )<<8)|( '6' )), GF_ISOM_BRAND_3G2A = ((( '3' )<<24)|(( 'g' )<<16)|(( '2' )<<8)|( 'a' )), GF_ISOM_BRAND_AVC1 = ((( 'a' )<<24)|(( 'v' )<<16)|(( 'c' )<<8)|( '1' )),
  GF_ISOM_BRAND_MP21 = ((( 'm' )<<24)|(( 'p' )<<16)|(( '2' )<<8)|( '1' )), GF_ISOM_BRAND_ISO4 = ((( 'i' )<<24)|(( 's' )<<16)|(( 'o' )<<8)|( '4' ))
enum  {
enum  { GF_ISOM_HINT_RTP = ((( 'r' )<<24)|(( 't' )<<16)|(( 'p' )<<8)|( ' ' )) }
enum  {
enum  {
  GF_ISOM_ITUNE_PROBE = 0, GF_ISOM_ITUNE_ALBUM = ((( 0xA9 )<<24)|(( 'a' )<<16)|(( 'l' )<<8)|( 'b' )), GF_ISOM_ITUNE_ARTIST = ((( 0xA9 )<<24)|(( 'A' )<<16)|(( 'R' )<<8)|( 'T' )), GF_ISOM_ITUNE_COMMENT = ((( 0xA9 )<<24)|(( 'c' )<<16)|(( 'm' )<<8)|( 't' )),
  GF_ISOM_ITUNE_COMPILATION = ((( 'c' )<<24)|(( 'p' )<<16)|(( 'i' )<<8)|( 'l' )), GF_ISOM_ITUNE_COMPOSER = ((( 0xA9 )<<24)|(( 'c' )<<16)|(( 'o' )<<8)|( 'm' )), GF_ISOM_ITUNE_COVER_ART = ((( 'c' )<<24)|(( 'o' )<<16)|(( 'v' )<<8)|( 'r' )), GF_ISOM_ITUNE_CREATED = ((( 0xA9 )<<24)|(( 'd' )<<16)|(( 'a' )<<8)|( 'y' )),
  GF_ISOM_ITUNE_DISK = ((( 'd' )<<24)|(( 'i' )<<16)|(( 's' )<<8)|( 'k' )), GF_ISOM_ITUNE_TOOL = ((( 0xA9 )<<24)|(( 't' )<<16)|(( 'o' )<<8)|( 'o' )), GF_ISOM_ITUNE_GENRE = ((( 'g' )<<24)|(( 'n' )<<16)|(( 'r' )<<8)|( 'e' )), GF_ISOM_ITUNE_GROUP = ((( 0xA9 )<<24)|(( 'g' )<<16)|(( 'r' )<<8)|( 'p' )),
  GF_ISOM_ITUNE_ITUNES_DATA = ((( '-' )<<24)|(( '-' )<<16)|(( '-' )<<8)|( '-' )), GF_ISOM_ITUNE_NAME = ((( 0xA9 )<<24)|(( 'n' )<<16)|(( 'a' )<<8)|( 'm' )), GF_ISOM_ITUNE_TEMPO = ((( 't' )<<24)|(( 'm' )<<16)|(( 'p' )<<8)|( 'o' )), GF_ISOM_ITUNE_TRACK = ((( 0xA9 )<<24)|(( 't' )<<16)|(( 'r' )<<8)|( 'k' )),
  GF_ISOM_ITUNE_TRACKNUMBER = ((( 't' )<<24)|(( 'r' )<<16)|(( 'k' )<<8)|( 'n' )), GF_ISOM_ITUNE_WRITER = ((( 0xA9 )<<24)|(( 'w' )<<16)|(( 'r' )<<8)|( 't' )), GF_ISOM_ITUNE_ENCODER = ((( 0xA9 )<<24)|(( 'e' )<<16)|(( 'n' )<<8)|( 'c' )), GF_ISOM_ITUNE_ALBUM_ARTIST = ((( 'a' )<<24)|(( 'A' )<<16)|(( 'R' )<<8)|( 'T' )),
  GF_ISOM_ITUNE_GAPLESS = ((( 'p' )<<24)|(( 'g' )<<16)|(( 'a' )<<8)|( 'p' ))


GF_ISOSamplegf_isom_sample_new ()
void gf_isom_sample_del (GF_ISOSample **samp)
GF_Err gf_isom_last_error (GF_ISOFile *the_file)
u32 gf_isom_probe_file (const char *fileName)
GF_ISOFile * gf_isom_open (const char *fileName, u32 OpenMode, const char *tmp_dir)
GF_Err gf_isom_close (GF_ISOFile *the_file)
void gf_isom_delete (GF_ISOFile *the_file)
u8 gf_isom_get_mode (GF_ISOFile *the_file)
Bool gf_isom_is_JPEG2000 (GF_ISOFile *mov)
u64 gf_isom_get_file_size (GF_ISOFile *the_file)
Bool gf_isom_moov_first (GF_ISOFile *movie)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_output_buffering (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 size)
GF_Err gf_isom_open_progressive (const char *fileName, u64 start_range, u64 end_range, GF_ISOFile **the_file, u64 *BytesMissing)
u64 gf_isom_get_missing_bytes (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
u32 gf_isom_is_fragmented (GF_ISOFile *the_file)
u32 gf_isom_is_track_fragmented (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 TrackID)
GF_Err gf_isom_refresh_fragmented (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u64 *MissingBytes, const char *new_location)
Bool gf_isom_has_movie (GF_ISOFile *file)
Bool gf_isom_has_segment (GF_ISOFile *file, u32 *brand, u32 *version)
u32 gf_isom_segment_get_fragment_count (GF_ISOFile *file)
u32 gf_isom_segment_get_track_fragment_count (GF_ISOFile *file, u32 moof_index)
u32 gf_isom_segment_get_track_fragment_decode_time (GF_ISOFile *file, u32 moof_index, u32 traf_index, u64 *decode_time)
void gf_isom_set_single_moof_mode (GF_ISOFile *file, Bool mode)
u32 gf_isom_get_track_count (GF_ISOFile *the_file)
u32 gf_isom_get_timescale (GF_ISOFile *the_file)
u64 gf_isom_get_duration (GF_ISOFile *the_file)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_creation_time (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u64 *creationTime, u64 *modificationTime)
u32 gf_isom_get_track_id (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
u32 gf_isom_get_track_by_id (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackID)
u32 gf_isom_get_track_original_id (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber)
u8 gf_isom_is_track_enabled (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
u8 gf_isom_is_track_encrypted (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
u64 gf_isom_get_track_duration (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
u32 gf_isom_get_media_type (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
u32 gf_isom_get_media_subtype (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 DescriptionIndex)
u32 gf_isom_get_mpeg4_subtype (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 DescriptionIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_media_time (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 movieTime, u64 *MediaTime)
u32 gf_isom_get_sample_description_count (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
u32 gf_isom_get_sample_description_index (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u64 for_time)
Bool gf_isom_is_self_contained (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex)
u64 gf_isom_get_media_duration (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
u32 gf_isom_get_media_timescale (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_chunks_infos (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 *dur_min, u32 *dur_avg, u32 *dur_max, u32 *size_min, u32 *size_avg, u32 *size_max)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_handler_name (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, const char **outName)
GF_Err gf_isom_check_data_reference (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_data_reference (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, const char **outURL, const char **outURN)
u32 gf_isom_get_sample_count (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
u32 gf_isom_get_constant_sample_size (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
u64 gf_isom_get_media_data_size (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_padding (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 padding_bytes)
GF_ISOSamplegf_isom_get_sample (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, u32 *StreamDescriptionIndex)
GF_ISOSamplegf_isom_get_sample_info (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, u32 *StreamDescriptionIndex, u64 *data_offset)
u64 gf_isom_get_sample_dts (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber)
u32 gf_isom_get_sample_duration (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber)
u32 gf_isom_get_sample_size (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber)
u8 gf_isom_get_sample_sync (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_sample_for_media_time (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u64 desiredTime, u32 *StreamDescriptionIndex, u8 SearchMode, GF_ISOSample **sample, u32 *SampleNum)
u32 gf_isom_get_sample_from_dts (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u64 dts)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_sample_for_movie_time (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u64 movieTime, u32 *StreamDescriptionIndex, u8 SearchMode, GF_ISOSample **sample, u32 *sampleNumber)
Bool gf_isom_get_edit_list_type (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, s64 *mediaOffset)
u32 gf_isom_get_edit_segment_count (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_edit_segment (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 SegmentIndex, u64 *EditTime, u64 *SegmentDuration, u64 *MediaTime, u8 *EditMode)
u32 gf_isom_get_copyright_count (GF_ISOFile *the_file)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_copyright (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 Index, const char **threeCharCodes, const char **notice)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_watermark (GF_ISOFile *the_file, bin128 UUID, u8 **data, u32 *length)
u32 gf_isom_get_chapter_count (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_chapter (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 Index, u64 *chapter_time, const char **name)
u8 gf_isom_has_sync_points (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
u32 gf_isom_get_sync_point_count (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
u32 gf_isom_has_time_offset (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
Bool gf_isom_has_sync_shadows (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
Bool gf_isom_has_sample_dependency (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
u64 gf_isom_estimate_size (GF_ISOFile *the_file)
u32 gf_isom_get_next_alternate_group_id (GF_ISOFile *movie)
Bool gf_isom_has_root_od (GF_ISOFile *the_file)
GF_Descriptorgf_isom_get_root_od (GF_ISOFile *the_file)
u8 gf_isom_is_track_in_root_od (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
GF_ESDgf_isom_get_esd (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex)
GF_DecoderConfiggf_isom_get_decoder_config (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex)
void gf_isom_set_default_sync_track (GF_ISOFile *file, u32 trackNumber)
s32 gf_isom_get_reference_count (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 referenceType)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_reference (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 referenceType, u32 referenceIndex, u32 *refTrack)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_reference_ID (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 referenceType, u32 referenceIndex, u32 *refTrackID)
u32 gf_isom_has_track_reference (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 referenceType, u32 refTrackID)
u8 gf_isom_get_pl_indication (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u8 PL_Code)
u32 gf_isom_find_od_for_track (GF_ISOFile *file, u32 track)
const char * gf_isom_get_filename (GF_ISOFile *the_file)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_brand_info (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 *brand, u32 *minorVersion, u32 *AlternateBrandsCount)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_alternate_brand (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 BrandIndex, u32 *brand)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_sample_padding_bits (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, u8 *NbBits)
Bool gf_isom_has_padding_bits (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_visual_info (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, u32 *Width, u32 *Height)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_audio_info (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, u32 *SampleRate, u32 *Channels, u8 *bitsPerSample)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_track_layout_info (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 *width, u32 *height, s32 *translation_x, s32 *translation_y, s16 *layer)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_track_matrix (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 matrix[9])
GF_Err gf_isom_get_pixel_aspect_ratio (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, u32 *hSpacing, u32 *vSpacing)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_rvc_config (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 track, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u16 *rvc_predefined, char **data, u32 *size, const char **mime)
u32 gf_isom_get_user_data_count (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 UserDataType, bin128 UUID)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_user_data (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 UserDataType, bin128 UUID, u32 UserDataIndex, char **userData, u32 *userDataSize)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_media_language (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, char *three_char_code)
GF_GenericSampleDescriptiongf_isom_get_generic_sample_description (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_fragment_defaults (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 *defaultDuration, u32 *defaultSize, u32 *defaultDescriptionIndex, u32 *defaultRandomAccess, u8 *defaultPadding, u16 *defaultDegradationPriority)
u32 gf_isom_get_sample_fragment_count (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber)
u16 gf_isom_get_sample_fragment_size (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, u32 FragmentIndex)
Bool gf_isom_is_single_av (GF_ISOFile *file)
u32 gf_isom_guess_specification (GF_ISOFile *file)
void gf_isom_keep_utc_times (GF_ISOFile *file, Bool keep_utc)
Bool gf_isom_get_last_producer_time_box (GF_ISOFile *file, u32 *refTrackID, u64 *ntp, u64 *timestamp, Bool reset_info)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_timescale (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 timeScale)
u32 gf_isom_new_track (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackID, u32 MediaType, u32 TimeScale)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_track (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_enabled (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u8 enableTrack)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_creation_time (GF_ISOFile *movie, u64 time)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_creation_time (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u64 time)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_id (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 trackID)
GF_Err gf_isom_rewrite_track_dependencies (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_add_sample (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, GF_ISOSample *sample)
GF_Err gf_isom_add_sample_shadow (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_ISOSample *sample)
GF_Err gf_isom_append_sample_data (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, char *data, u32 data_size)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_rap (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_add_sample_reference (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, GF_ISOSample *sample, u64 dataOffset)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_last_sample_duration (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 duration)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_reference (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 referenceType, u32 ReferencedTrackID)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_track_reference (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 referenceType, u32 ReferenceIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_handler_name (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, const char *nameUTF8)
GF_Err gf_isom_refresh_size_info (GF_ISOFile *file, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_update_sample (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, GF_ISOSample *sample, Bool data_only)
GF_Err gf_isom_update_sample_reference (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, GF_ISOSample *sample, u64 data_offset)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_sample (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_media_timescale (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 new_timescale, Bool force_rescale)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_final_name (GF_ISOFile *the_file, char *filename)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_storage_mode (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u8 storageMode)
u8 gf_isom_get_storage_mode (GF_ISOFile *the_file)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_interleave_time (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 InterleaveTime)
u32 gf_isom_get_interleave_time (GF_ISOFile *the_file)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_copyright (GF_ISOFile *the_file, const char *threeCharCode, char *notice)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_copyright (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 index)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_media_type (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 new_type)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_media_subtype (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 new_type)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_alternate_group_id (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 groupId)
GF_Err gf_isom_add_chapter (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u64 timestamp, char *name)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_chapter (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 index)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_watermark (GF_ISOFile *the_file, bin128 UUID, u8 *data, u32 length)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_edit_segment (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u64 EditTime, u64 EditDuration, u64 MediaTime, u8 EditMode)
GF_Err gf_isom_modify_edit_segment (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 seg_index, u64 EditDuration, u64 MediaTime, u8 EditMode)
GF_Err gf_isom_append_edit_segment (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u64 EditDuration, u64 MediaTime, u8 EditMode)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_edit_segments (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_edit_segment (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 seg_index)
GF_Err gf_isom_add_user_data (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 UserDataType, bin128 UUID, char *data, u32 DataLength)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_user_data (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 UserDataType, bin128 UUID)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_user_data_item (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 UserDataType, bin128 UUID, u32 UserDataIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_uuid (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, bin128 UUID)
GF_Err gf_isom_add_uuid (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, bin128 UUID, char *data, u32 data_size)
GF_Err gf_isom_use_compact_size (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u8 CompactionOn)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_brand_info (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 MajorBrand, u32 MinorVersion)
GF_Err gf_isom_modify_alternate_brand (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 Brand, u8 AddIt)
GF_Err gf_isom_reset_alt_brands (GF_ISOFile *movie)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_padding_bits (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, u8 NbBits)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_visual_info (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, u32 Width, u32 Height)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_layout_info (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 width, u32 height, s32 translation_x, s32 translation_y, s16 layer)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_matrix (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 matrix[9])
GF_Err gf_isom_set_pixel_aspect_ratio (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, u32 hSpacing, u32 vSpacing)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_audio_info (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, u32 sampleRate, u32 nbChannels, u8 bitsPerSample)
GF_Err gf_isom_add_sample_fragment (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, u16 FragmentSize)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_sample_fragment (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_sample_fragments (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_cts_packing (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, Bool unpack)
GF_Err gf_isom_modify_cts_offset (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sample_number, u32 offset)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_cts_info (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_media_language (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, char *three_char_code)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_sample_description (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 streamDescIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_rvc_config (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 track, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u16 rvc_predefined, char *mime, char *data, u32 size)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_name (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, char *name)
const char * gf_isom_get_track_name (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_pl_indication (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u8 PL_Code, u8 ProfileLevel)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_root_od_id (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 OD_ID)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_root_od_url (GF_ISOFile *the_file, char *url_string)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_root_od (GF_ISOFile *the_file)
GF_Err gf_isom_add_desc_to_root_od (GF_ISOFile *the_file, GF_Descriptor *theDesc)
GF_Err gf_isom_add_track_to_root_od (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_track_from_root_od (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_new_mpeg4_description (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_ESD *esd, char *URLname, char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_change_mpeg4_description (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, GF_ESD *newESD)
GF_Err gf_isom_add_desc_to_description (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, GF_Descriptor *theDesc)
GF_Err gf_isom_new_generic_sample_description (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, char *URLname, char *URNname, GF_GenericSampleDescription *udesc, u32 *outDescriptionIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_change_generic_sample_description (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, GF_GenericSampleDescription *udesc)
GF_Err gf_isom_clone_sample_description (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_ISOFile *orig_file, u32 orig_track, u32 orig_desc_index, char *URLname, char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_clone_sample_descriptions (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_ISOFile *orig_file, u32 orig_track, Bool reset_existing)
GF_Err gf_isom_clone_track (GF_ISOFile *orig_file, u32 orig_track, GF_ISOFile *dest_file, Bool keep_data_ref, u32 *dest_track)
GF_Err gf_isom_clone_pl_indications (GF_ISOFile *orig, GF_ISOFile *dest)
GF_Err gf_isom_clone_root_od (GF_ISOFile *input, GF_ISOFile *output)
GF_Err gf_isom_clone_movie (GF_ISOFile *orig_file, GF_ISOFile *dest_file, Bool clone_tracks, Bool keep_hint_tracks, Bool keep_pssh)
Bool gf_isom_is_same_sample_description (GF_ISOFile *f1, u32 tk1, u32 sdesc_index1, GF_ISOFile *f2, u32 tk2, u32 sdesc_index2)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_JPEG2000 (GF_ISOFile *mov, Bool set_on)
GF_Err gf_isom_reset_tables (GF_ISOFile *movie, Bool reset_sample_count)
GF_Err gf_isom_reset_data_offset (GF_ISOFile *movie, u64 *top_box_start)
GF_Err gf_isom_release_segment (GF_ISOFile *movie, Bool reset_tables)
GF_Err gf_isom_open_segment (GF_ISOFile *movie, const char *fileName, u64 start_range, u64 end_range, Bool is_scalable_segment)
u32 gf_isom_get_highest_track_in_scalable_segment (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 for_base_track)
GF_Err gf_isom_setup_track_fragment (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 TrackID, u32 DefaultStreamDescriptionIndex, u32 DefaultSampleDuration, u32 DefaultSampleSize, u8 DefaultSampleIsSync, u8 DefaultSamplePadding, u16 DefaultDegradationPriority)
GF_Err gf_isom_change_track_fragment_defaults (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 TrackID, u32 DefaultSampleDescriptionIndex, u32 DefaultSampleDuration, u32 DefaultSampleSize, u8 DefaultSampleIsSync, u8 DefaultSamplePadding, u16 DefaultDegradationPriority)
GF_Err gf_isom_finalize_for_fragment (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 media_segment_type)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_movie_duration (GF_ISOFile *movie, u64 duration)
GF_Err gf_isom_start_fragment (GF_ISOFile *movie, Bool moof_first)
GF_Err gf_isom_start_segment (GF_ISOFile *movie, char *SegName, Bool memory_mode)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_traf_base_media_decode_time (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 TrackID, u64 decode_time)
GF_Err gf_isom_close_segment (GF_ISOFile *movie, s32 subsegs_per_sidx, u32 referenceTrackID, u64 ref_track_decode_time, s32 timestamp_shift, u64 ref_track_next_cts, Bool daisy_chain_sidx, Bool last_segment, u32 segment_marker_4cc, u64 *index_start_range, u64 *index_end_range)
GF_Err gf_isom_flush_fragments (GF_ISOFile *movie, Bool last_segment)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_fragment_reference_time (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 reference_track_ID, u64 ntp, u64 timestamp)
GF_Err gf_isom_allocate_sidx (GF_ISOFile *movie, s32 subsegs_per_sidx, Bool daisy_chain_sidx, u32 nb_segs, u32 *frags_per_segment, u32 *start_range, u32 *end_range)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_fragment_option (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 TrackID, u32 Code, u32 param)
GF_Err gf_isom_fragment_add_sample (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 TrackID, GF_ISOSample *sample, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, u32 Duration, u8 PaddingBits, u16 DegradationPriority, Bool redundantCoding)
GF_Err gf_isom_fragment_append_data (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 TrackID, char *data, u32 data_size, u8 PaddingBits)
void gf_isom_reset_fragment_info (GF_ISOFile *movie, Bool keep_sample_count)
u64 gf_isom_get_fragmented_duration (GF_ISOFile *movie)
u32 gf_isom_get_fragments_count (GF_ISOFile *movie, Bool segments_only)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_fragmented_samples_info (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackID, u32 *nb_samples, u64 *duration)
GF_Err gf_isom_fragment_add_sai (GF_ISOFile *output, GF_ISOFile *input, u32 TrackID, u32 SampleNum)
GF_Err gf_isom_clone_pssh (GF_ISOFile *output, GF_ISOFile *input, Bool in_moof)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_sync_table (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_sync_shadows (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_sync_shadow (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, u32 syncSample)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_group (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 GroupID)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_priority_in_group (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 InversePriority)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_max_samples_per_chunk (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 maxSamplesPerChunk)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_extraction_slc (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, GF_SLConfig *slConfig)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_extraction_slc (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, GF_SLConfig **slConfig)
u32 gf_isom_get_track_group (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
u32 gf_isom_get_track_priority_in_group (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_store_movie_config (GF_ISOFile *the_file, Bool remove_all)
GF_Err gf_isom_load_movie_config (GF_ISOFile *the_file)
GF_Err gf_isom_make_interleave (GF_ISOFile *mp4file, Double TimeInSec)
GF_Err gf_isom_setup_hint_track (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 HintType)
GF_Err gf_isom_new_hint_description (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, s32 HintTrackVersion, s32 LastCompatibleVersion, u8 Rely, u32 *HintDescriptionIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_begin_hint_sample (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 HintDescriptionIndex, u32 TransmissionTime)
GF_Err gf_isom_end_hint_sample (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u8 IsRandomAccessPoint)
GF_Err gf_isom_hint_blank_data (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u8 AtBegin)
GF_Err gf_isom_hint_direct_data (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, char *data, u32 dataLength, u8 AtBegin)
GF_Err gf_isom_hint_sample_data (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 SourceTrackID, u32 SampleNumber, u16 DataLength, u32 offsetInSample, char *extra_data, u8 AtBegin)
GF_Err gf_isom_hint_sample_description_data (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 SourceTrackID, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, u16 DataLength, u32 offsetInDescription, u8 AtBegin)
GF_Err gf_isom_rtp_packet_begin (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, s32 relativeTime, u8 PackingBit, u8 eXtensionBit, u8 MarkerBit, u8 PayloadType, u8 B_frame, u8 IsRepeatedPacket, u16 SequenceNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_rtp_packet_set_flags (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u8 PackingBit, u8 eXtensionBit, u8 MarkerBit, u8 disposable_packet, u8 IsRepeatedPacket)
GF_Err gf_isom_rtp_packet_set_offset (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, s32 timeOffset)
GF_Err gf_isom_rtp_set_timescale (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 HintDescriptionIndex, u32 TimeScale)
GF_Err gf_isom_rtp_set_time_offset (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 HintDescriptionIndex, u32 TimeOffset)
GF_Err gf_isom_rtp_set_time_sequence_offset (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 HintDescriptionIndex, u32 SequenceNumberOffset)
GF_Err gf_isom_sdp_add_track_line (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, const char *text)
GF_Err gf_isom_sdp_clean_track (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_sdp_add_line (GF_ISOFile *the_file, const char *text)
GF_Err gf_isom_sdp_clean (GF_ISOFile *the_file)
GF_Err gf_isom_dump (GF_ISOFile *file, FILE *trace)
GF_Err gf_isom_dump_hint_sample (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 SampleNum, FILE *trace)
GF_Err gf_isom_sdp_get (GF_ISOFile *the_file, const char **sdp, u32 *length)
GF_Err gf_isom_sdp_track_get (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, const char **sdp, u32 *length)
u32 gf_isom_get_payt_count (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
const char * gf_isom_get_payt_info (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 index, u32 *payID)
GF_Err gf_isom_reset_hint_reader (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sample_start, u32 ts_offset, u32 sn_offset, u32 ssrc)
GF_Err gf_isom_next_hint_packet (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, char **pck_data, u32 *pck_size, Bool *disposable, Bool *repeated, u32 *trans_ts, u32 *sample_num)
GF_3GPConfiggf_isom_3gp_config_get (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_3gp_config_new (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_3GPConfig *config, char *URLname, char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_3gp_config_update (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_3GPConfig *config, u32 DescriptionIndex)
GF_AVCConfiggf_isom_avc_config_get (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 DescriptionIndex)
GF_AVCConfiggf_isom_svc_config_get (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 DescriptionIndex)
u32 gf_isom_get_avc_svc_type (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 DescriptionIndex)
u32 gf_isom_get_hevc_shvc_type (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 DescriptionIndex)
GF_HEVCConfiggf_isom_hevc_config_get (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 DescriptionIndex)
GF_HEVCConfiggf_isom_shvc_config_get (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 DescriptionIndex)
Bool gf_isom_has_scalable_layer (GF_ISOFile *file)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_nalu_extract_mode (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 nalu_extract_mode)
u32 gf_isom_get_nalu_extract_mode (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_avc_config_new (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_AVCConfig *cfg, char *URLname, char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_avc_config_update (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 DescriptionIndex, GF_AVCConfig *cfg)
GF_Err gf_isom_svc_config_update (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 DescriptionIndex, GF_AVCConfig *cfg, Bool is_additional)
GF_Err gf_isom_svc_config_new (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_AVCConfig *cfg, char *URLname, char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_svc_config_del (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 DescriptionIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_avc_set_inband_config (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 DescriptionIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_hevc_set_inband_config (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 DescriptionIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_hevc_config_new (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_HEVCConfig *cfg, char *URLname, char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_hevc_config_update (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 DescriptionIndex, GF_HEVCConfig *cfg)
GF_Err gf_isom_shvc_config_update (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 DescriptionIndex, GF_HEVCConfig *cfg, Bool is_additional)
GF_Err gf_isom_text_set_streaming_mode (GF_ISOFile *the_file, Bool do_convert)
GF_Err gf_isom_text_dump (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 track, FILE *dump, u32 dump_type)
GF_Err gf_isom_text_get_encoded_tx3g (GF_ISOFile *file, u32 track, u32 sidx, u32 sidx_offset, char **tx3g, u32 *tx3g_size)
GF_Err gf_isom_text_has_similar_description (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_TextSampleDescriptor *desc, u32 *outDescIdx, Bool *same_box, Bool *same_styles)
GF_TextSample * gf_isom_new_text_sample ()
void gf_isom_delete_text_sample (GF_TextSample *tx_samp)
GF_GenericSubtitleSample * gf_isom_new_generic_subtitle_sample ()
void gf_isom_delete_generic_subtitle_sample (GF_GenericSubtitleSample *generic_subtitle_samp)
GF_Err gf_isom_new_webvtt_description (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, GF_TextSampleDescriptor *desc, char *URLname, char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_update_webvtt_description (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 descriptionIndex, const char *config)
GF_Err gf_isom_new_text_description (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_TextSampleDescriptor *desc, char *URLname, char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_update_text_description (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 descriptionIndex, GF_TextSampleDescriptor *desc)
GF_Err gf_isom_text_reset (GF_TextSample *tx_samp)
GF_Err gf_isom_text_reset_styles (GF_TextSample *samp)
GF_Err gf_isom_text_set_utf16_marker (GF_TextSample *samp)
GF_Err gf_isom_text_add_text (GF_TextSample *tx_samp, char *text_data, u32 text_len)
GF_Err gf_isom_text_add_style (GF_TextSample *tx_samp, GF_StyleRecord *rec)
GF_Err gf_isom_text_add_highlight (GF_TextSample *samp, u16 start_char, u16 end_char)
GF_Err gf_isom_text_set_highlight_color (GF_TextSample *samp, u8 r, u8 g, u8 b, u8 a)
GF_Err gf_isom_text_set_highlight_color_argb (GF_TextSample *samp, u32 argb)
GF_Err gf_isom_text_add_karaoke (GF_TextSample *samp, u32 start_time)
GF_Err gf_isom_text_set_karaoke_segment (GF_TextSample *samp, u32 end_time, u16 start_char, u16 end_char)
GF_Err gf_isom_text_set_scroll_delay (GF_TextSample *samp, u32 scroll_delay)
GF_Err gf_isom_text_add_hyperlink (GF_TextSample *samp, char *URL, char *altString, u16 start_char, u16 end_char)
GF_Err gf_isom_text_set_box (GF_TextSample *samp, s16 top, s16 left, s16 bottom, s16 right)
GF_Err gf_isom_text_add_blink (GF_TextSample *samp, u16 start_char, u16 end_char)
GF_Err gf_isom_text_set_wrap (GF_TextSample *samp, u8 wrap_flags)
GF_ISOSamplegf_isom_text_to_sample (GF_TextSample *tx_samp)
GF_Err gf_isom_generic_subtitle_reset (GF_GenericSubtitleSample *samp)
GF_ISOSamplegf_isom_generic_subtitle_to_sample (GF_GenericSubtitleSample *tx_samp)
GF_Err gf_isom_generic_subtitle_sample_add_text (GF_GenericSubtitleSample *samp, char *text_data, u32 text_len)
GF_Err gf_isom_xml_subtitle_reset (GF_GenericSubtitleSample *samp)
GF_Err gf_isom_new_xml_subtitle_description (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, char *xmlnamespace, char *xml_schema_loc, char *mimes, u32 *outDescriptionIndex)
GF_ISOSamplegf_isom_xml_subtitle_to_sample (GF_GenericSubtitleSample *tx_samp)
GF_Err gf_isom_xml_subtitle_sample_add_text (GF_GenericSubtitleSample *samp, char *text_data, u32 text_len)
GF_ISMASamplegf_isom_ismacryp_new_sample ()
void gf_isom_ismacryp_delete_sample (GF_ISMASample *samp)
GF_ISMASamplegf_isom_ismacryp_sample_from_data (char *data, u32 dataLength, Bool use_selective_encryption, u8 KI_length, u8 IV_length)
GF_Err gf_isom_ismacryp_sample_to_sample (GF_ISMASample *s, GF_ISOSample *dest)
GF_ISMASamplegf_isom_get_ismacryp_sample (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_ISOSample *samp, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex)
u32 gf_isom_is_media_encrypted (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex)
Bool gf_isom_is_ismacryp_media (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex)
Bool gf_isom_is_omadrm_media (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_omadrm_info (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 *outOriginalFormat, u32 *outSchemeType, u32 *outSchemeVersion, const char **outContentID, const char **outRightsIssuerURL, const char **outTextualHeaders, u32 *outTextualHeadersLen, u64 *outPlaintextLength, u32 *outEncryptionType, Bool *outSelectiveEncryption, u32 *outIVLength, u32 *outKeyIndicationLength)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_ismacryp_info (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 *outOriginalFormat, u32 *outSchemeType, u32 *outSchemeVersion, const char **outSchemeURI, const char **outKMS_URI, Bool *outSelectiveEncryption, u32 *outIVLength, u32 *outKeyIndicationLength)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_original_format_type (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 *outOriginalFormat)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_track_protection (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_ismacryp_protection (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 desc_index, u32 scheme_type, u32 scheme_version, char *scheme_uri, char *kms_URI, Bool selective_encryption, u32 KI_length, u32 IV_length)
GF_Err gf_isom_change_ismacryp_protection (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex, char *scheme_uri, char *kms_uri)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_oma_protection (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 desc_index, char *contentID, char *kms_URI, u32 encryption_type, u64 plainTextLength, char *textual_headers, u32 textual_headers_len, Bool selective_encryption, u32 KI_length, u32 IV_length)
GF_Err gf_isom_cenc_allocate_storage (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 container_type, u32 AlgorithmID, u8 IV_size, bin128 KID)
GF_Err gf_isom_track_cenc_add_sample_info (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 container_type, char *buf, u32 len)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_cenc_protection (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 desc_index, u32 scheme_type, u32 scheme_version, u32 default_IsEncrypted, u8 default_IV_size, bin128 default_KID)
GF_Err gf_cenc_set_pssh (GF_ISOFile *mp4, bin128 systemID, u32 version, u32 KID_count, bin128 *KID, char *data, u32 len)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_cenc_saiz (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_cenc_saio (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_samp_enc_box (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_samp_group_box (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_pssh_box (GF_ISOFile *the_file)
void gf_isom_ipmpx_remove_tool_list (GF_ISOFile *the_file)
Bool gf_isom_is_cenc_media (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_cenc_info (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 *outOriginalFormat, u32 *outSchemeType, u32 *outSchemeVersion, u32 *outIVLength)
void gf_isom_cenc_samp_aux_info_del (GF_CENCSampleAuxInfo *samp_aux_info)
GF_Err gf_isom_cenc_get_sample_aux_info (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleNumber, GF_CENCSampleAuxInfo **sai, u32 *container_type)
void gf_isom_cenc_get_default_info (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sampleDescriptionIndex, u32 *default_IsEncrypted, u8 *default_IV_size, bin128 *default_KID)
u32 gf_isom_get_pssh_count (GF_ISOFile *file)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_pssh_info (GF_ISOFile *file, u32 pssh_index, bin128 SystemID, u32 *KID_count, const bin128 **KIDs, const u8 **private_data, u32 *private_data_size)
GF_Err gf_isom_dump_ismacryp_protection (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, FILE *trace)
GF_Err gf_isom_dump_ismacryp_sample (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 SampleNum, FILE *trace)
u32 gf_isom_get_meta_type (GF_ISOFile *file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num)
u32 gf_isom_has_meta_xml (GF_ISOFile *file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num)
GF_Err gf_isom_extract_meta_xml (GF_ISOFile *file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, char *outName, Bool *is_binary)
u32 gf_isom_get_meta_item_count (GF_ISOFile *file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_meta_item_info (GF_ISOFile *file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, u32 item_num, u32 *itemID, u32 *protection_idx, Bool *is_self_reference, const char **item_name, const char **item_mime_type, const char **item_encoding, const char **item_url, const char **item_urn)
u32 gf_isom_get_meta_item_by_id (GF_ISOFile *file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, u32 item_ID)
GF_Err gf_isom_extract_meta_item (GF_ISOFile *file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, u32 item_num, const char *dump_file_name)
GF_Err gf_isom_extract_meta_item_mem (GF_ISOFile *file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, u32 item_id, char **out_data, u32 *out_size, const char **mime_type)
u32 gf_isom_get_meta_primary_item_id (GF_ISOFile *file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_meta_type (GF_ISOFile *file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, u32 metaType)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_meta_xml (GF_ISOFile *file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_meta_xml (GF_ISOFile *file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, char *XMLFileName, Bool IsBinaryXML)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_meta_xml_memory (GF_ISOFile *file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, unsigned char *data, u32 data_size, Bool IsBinaryXML)
GF_Err gf_isom_add_meta_item (GF_ISOFile *file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, Bool self_reference, char *resource_path, const char *item_name, u32 item_id, const char *mime_type, const char *content_encoding, const char *URL, const char *URN)
GF_Err gf_isom_add_meta_item_memory (GF_ISOFile *file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, const char *item_name, u32 item_id, const char *mime_type, const char *content_encoding, char *data, u32 data_len)
GF_Err gf_isom_remove_meta_item (GF_ISOFile *file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, u32 item_num)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_meta_primary_item (GF_ISOFile *file, Bool root_meta, u32 track_num, u32 item_num)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_timed_meta_data_info (GF_ISOFile *file, u32 track, u32 sampleDescription, Bool *is_xml, const char **mime_or_namespace, const char **content_encoding, const char **schema_loc)
GF_Err gf_isom_timed_meta_data_config_new (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, Bool is_xml, char *mime_or_namespace, char *content_encoding, char *schema_loc, char *URLname, char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_apple_get_tag (GF_ISOFile *mov, u32 tag, const char **data, u32 *data_len)
GF_Err gf_isom_apple_set_tag (GF_ISOFile *mov, u32 tag, const char *data, u32 data_len)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_ipod_compatible (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_track_switch_group_count (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 *alternateGroupID, u32 *nb_groups)
const u32gf_isom_get_track_switch_parameter (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 group_index, u32 *switchGroupID, u32 *criteriaListSize)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_switch_parameter (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 trackRefGroup, Bool is_switch_group, u32 *switchGroupID, u32 *criteriaList, u32 criteriaListCount)
GF_Err gf_isom_reset_track_switch_parameter (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, Bool reset_all_group)
GF_Err gf_isom_reset_switch_parameters (GF_ISOFile *movie)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_dims_description (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, u32 descriptionIndex, GF_DIMSDescription *desc)
GF_Err gf_isom_new_dims_description (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, GF_DIMSDescription *desc, char *URLname, char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_update_dims_description (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 trackNumber, GF_DIMSDescription *desc, char *URLname, char *URNname, u32 DescriptionIndex)
GF_AC3Configgf_isom_ac3_config_get (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 StreamDescriptionIndex)
GF_Err gf_isom_ac3_config_new (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, GF_AC3Config *cfg, char *URLname, char *URNname, u32 *outDescriptionIndex)
u32 gf_isom_sample_has_subsamples (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 track, u32 sampleNumber)
GF_Err gf_isom_sample_get_subsample (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 track, u32 sampleNumber, u32 subSampleNumber, u32 *size, u8 *priority, u32 *reserved, Bool *discardable)
GF_Err gf_isom_add_subsample (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 track, u32 sampleNumber, u32 subSampleSize, u8 priority, u32 reserved, Bool discardable)
GF_Err gf_isom_fragment_add_subsample (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 TrackID, u32 subSampleSize, u8 priority, u32 reserved, Bool discardable)
GF_Err gf_isom_fragment_copy_subsample (GF_ISOFile *dest, u32 TrackID, GF_ISOFile *orig, u32 track, u32 sampleNumber)
u32 gf_isom_get_next_moof_number (GF_ISOFile *movie)
void gf_isom_set_next_moof_number (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 value)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_sample_rap_roll_info (GF_ISOFile *the_file, u32 trackNumber, u32 sample_number, Bool *is_rap, Bool *has_roll, s32 *roll_distance)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_rap_group (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 track, u32 sample_number, u32 num_leading_samples)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_roll_group (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 track, u32 sample_number, s16 roll_distance)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_cenc_group (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 track, u32 sample_number, Bool isEncrypted, u8 IV_size, bin128 KeyID)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_composition_offset_mode (GF_ISOFile *file, u32 track, Bool use_negative_offsets)
GF_Err gf_isom_get_sample_cenc_info (GF_ISOFile *movie, u32 track, u32 sample_number, u32 *IsEncrypted, u8 *IV_size, bin128 *KID)

Data Structure Documentation

struct GF_ISOSample
+ Collaboration diagram for GF_ISOSample:
Data Fields
u32 dataLength
char * data
u64 DTS
s32 CTS_Offset
u8 IsRAP
struct GF_GenericSampleDescription
+ Collaboration diagram for GF_GenericSampleDescription:
Data Fields
u32 codec_tag
bin128 UUID
u16 version
u16 revision
u32 vendor_code
u32 temporal_quality
u32 spatial_quality
u16 width
u16 height
u32 h_res
u32 v_res
u16 depth
u16 color_table_index
char compressor_name[33]
u32 samplerate
u16 nb_channels
u16 bits_per_sample
char * extension_buf
u32 extension_buf_size
struct GF_3GPConfig
+ Collaboration diagram for GF_3GPConfig:
Data Fields
u32 type
u32 vendor
u8 decoder_version
u8 frames_per_sample
u8 H263_level
u8 H263_profile
u16 AMR_mode_set
u8 AMR_mode_change_period
struct GF_ISMASample
+ Collaboration diagram for GF_ISMASample:
Data Fields
u64 IV
u8 IV_length
u8 * key_indicator
u8 KI_length
u32 dataLength
char * data
u32 flags
struct GF_CENCSubSampleEntry
+ Collaboration diagram for GF_CENCSubSampleEntry:
Data Fields
u16 bytes_clear_data
u32 bytes_encrypted_data
struct GF_CENCSampleAuxInfo
+ Collaboration diagram for GF_CENCSampleAuxInfo:
Data Fields
bin128 IV
u16 subsample_count
GF_CENCSubSampleEntry * subsamples
struct GF_DIMSDescription
+ Collaboration diagram for GF_DIMSDescription:
Data Fields
u8 profile
u8 level
u8 pathComponents
Bool fullRequestHost
Bool streamType
u8 containsRedundant
const char * textEncoding
const char * contentEncoding
const char * content_script_types
const char * mime_type
const char * xml_schema_loc
struct __ec3_stream
+ Collaboration diagram for __ec3_stream:
Data Fields
u8 fscod
u8 bsid
u8 bsmod
u8 acmod
u8 lfon
u8 nb_dep_sub
u8 chan_loc
struct GF_AC3Config
+ Collaboration diagram for GF_AC3Config:
Data Fields
u8 is_ec3
u8 nb_streams
u16 brcode
struct __ec3_stream streams[8]

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum
anonymous enum
anonymous enum
anonymous enum
anonymous enum
anonymous enum
anonymous enum
anonymous enum
anonymous enum
anonymous enum
anonymous enum
anonymous enum
anonymous enum
anonymous enum
anonymous enum

Function Documentation

GF_ISOSample* gf_isom_sample_new ( )

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gf_isom_sample_del ( GF_ISOSample **  samp)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_last_error ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file)
u32 gf_isom_probe_file ( const char *  fileName)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_ISOFile* gf_isom_open ( const char *  fileName,
u32  OpenMode,
const char *  tmp_dir 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_close ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gf_isom_delete ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u8 gf_isom_get_mode ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file)

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool gf_isom_is_JPEG2000 ( GF_ISOFile *  mov)

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u64 gf_isom_get_file_size ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool gf_isom_moov_first ( GF_ISOFile *  movie)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_output_buffering ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  size 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_open_progressive ( const char *  fileName,
u64  start_range,
u64  end_range,
GF_ISOFile **  the_file,
u64 BytesMissing 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u64 gf_isom_get_missing_bytes ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_is_fragmented ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file)

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_is_track_fragmented ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  TrackID 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_refresh_fragmented ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u64 MissingBytes,
const char *  new_location 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool gf_isom_has_movie ( GF_ISOFile *  file)

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool gf_isom_has_segment ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
u32 brand,
u32 version 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_segment_get_fragment_count ( GF_ISOFile *  file)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_segment_get_track_fragment_count ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
u32  moof_index 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_segment_get_track_fragment_decode_time ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
u32  moof_index,
u32  traf_index,
u64 decode_time 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gf_isom_set_single_moof_mode ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
Bool  mode 
u32 gf_isom_get_track_count ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_timescale ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file)

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u64 gf_isom_get_duration ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_creation_time ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u64 creationTime,
u64 modificationTime 

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_track_id ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_track_by_id ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackID 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_track_original_id ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u8 gf_isom_is_track_enabled ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u8 gf_isom_is_track_encrypted ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u64 gf_isom_get_track_duration ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_media_type ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_media_subtype ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  DescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_mpeg4_subtype ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  DescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_media_time ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  movieTime,
u64 MediaTime 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_sample_description_count ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_sample_description_index ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u64  for_time 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Bool gf_isom_is_self_contained ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u64 gf_isom_get_media_duration ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_media_timescale ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_chunks_infos ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32 dur_min,
u32 dur_avg,
u32 dur_max,
u32 size_min,
u32 size_avg,
u32 size_max 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_handler_name ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
const char **  outName 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_check_data_reference ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_data_reference ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex,
const char **  outURL,
const char **  outURN 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_sample_count ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_constant_sample_size ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u64 gf_isom_get_media_data_size ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_padding ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  padding_bytes 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_ISOSample* gf_isom_get_sample ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleNumber,
u32 StreamDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_ISOSample* gf_isom_get_sample_info ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleNumber,
u32 StreamDescriptionIndex,
u64 data_offset 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u64 gf_isom_get_sample_dts ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_sample_duration ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_sample_size ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

u8 gf_isom_get_sample_sync ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_sample_for_media_time ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u64  desiredTime,
u32 StreamDescriptionIndex,
u8  SearchMode,
GF_ISOSample **  sample,
u32 SampleNum 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_sample_from_dts ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u64  dts 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_sample_for_movie_time ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u64  movieTime,
u32 StreamDescriptionIndex,
u8  SearchMode,
GF_ISOSample **  sample,
u32 sampleNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool gf_isom_get_edit_list_type ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
s64 mediaOffset 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_edit_segment_count ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_edit_segment ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  SegmentIndex,
u64 EditTime,
u64 SegmentDuration,
u64 MediaTime,
u8 EditMode 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_copyright_count ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_copyright ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  Index,
const char **  threeCharCodes,
const char **  notice 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_watermark ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
bin128  UUID,
u8 **  data,
u32 length 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_chapter_count ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_chapter ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  Index,
u64 chapter_time,
const char **  name 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u8 gf_isom_has_sync_points ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_sync_point_count ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_has_time_offset ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool gf_isom_has_sync_shadows ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool gf_isom_has_sample_dependency ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u64 gf_isom_estimate_size ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_next_alternate_group_id ( GF_ISOFile *  movie)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool gf_isom_has_root_od ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file)
GF_Descriptor* gf_isom_get_root_od ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u8 gf_isom_is_track_in_root_od ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_ESD* gf_isom_get_esd ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_DecoderConfig* gf_isom_get_decoder_config ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gf_isom_set_default_sync_track ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

s32 gf_isom_get_reference_count ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  referenceType 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_reference ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  referenceType,
u32  referenceIndex,
u32 refTrack 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_reference_ID ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  referenceType,
u32  referenceIndex,
u32 refTrackID 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_has_track_reference ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  referenceType,
u32  refTrackID 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u8 gf_isom_get_pl_indication ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u8  PL_Code 

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_find_od_for_track ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
u32  track 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const char* gf_isom_get_filename ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file)

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_brand_info ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32 brand,
u32 minorVersion,
u32 AlternateBrandsCount 

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_alternate_brand ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  BrandIndex,
u32 brand 

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_sample_padding_bits ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleNumber,
u8 NbBits 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool gf_isom_has_padding_bits ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_visual_info ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex,
u32 Width,
u32 Height 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_audio_info ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex,
u32 SampleRate,
u32 Channels,
u8 bitsPerSample 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_track_layout_info ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32 width,
u32 height,
s32 translation_x,
s32 translation_y,
s16 layer 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_track_matrix ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  matrix[9] 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_pixel_aspect_ratio ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex,
u32 hSpacing,
u32 vSpacing 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_rvc_config ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  track,
u32  sampleDescriptionIndex,
u16 rvc_predefined,
char **  data,
u32 size,
const char **  mime 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_user_data_count ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  UserDataType,
bin128  UUID 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_user_data ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  UserDataType,
bin128  UUID,
u32  UserDataIndex,
char **  userData,
u32 userDataSize 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_media_language ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
char *  three_char_code 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_GenericSampleDescription* gf_isom_get_generic_sample_description ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_fragment_defaults ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32 defaultDuration,
u32 defaultSize,
u32 defaultDescriptionIndex,
u32 defaultRandomAccess,
u8 defaultPadding,
u16 defaultDegradationPriority 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_sample_fragment_count ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

u16 gf_isom_get_sample_fragment_size ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleNumber,
u32  FragmentIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Bool gf_isom_is_single_av ( GF_ISOFile *  file)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_guess_specification ( GF_ISOFile *  file)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gf_isom_keep_utc_times ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
Bool  keep_utc 

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool gf_isom_get_last_producer_time_box ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
u32 refTrackID,
u64 ntp,
u64 timestamp,
Bool  reset_info 

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_timescale ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  timeScale 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_new_track ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackID,
u32  MediaType,
u32  TimeScale 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_track ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_enabled ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u8  enableTrack 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_creation_time ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u64  time 

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_creation_time ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u64  time 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_id ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  trackID 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_rewrite_track_dependencies ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_add_sample ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex,
GF_ISOSample sample 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_add_sample_shadow ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
GF_ISOSample sample 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_append_sample_data ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
char *  data,
u32  data_size 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_rap ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_add_sample_reference ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex,
GF_ISOSample sample,
u64  dataOffset 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_last_sample_duration ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  duration 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_reference ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  referenceType,
u32  ReferencedTrackID 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_track_reference ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  referenceType,
u32  ReferenceIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_handler_name ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
const char *  nameUTF8 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_refresh_size_info ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_update_sample ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleNumber,
GF_ISOSample sample,
Bool  data_only 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_update_sample_reference ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleNumber,
GF_ISOSample sample,
u64  data_offset 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_sample ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_media_timescale ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  new_timescale,
Bool  force_rescale 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_final_name ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
char *  filename 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_storage_mode ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u8  storageMode 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u8 gf_isom_get_storage_mode ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_interleave_time ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  InterleaveTime 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_interleave_time ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file)
GF_Err gf_isom_set_copyright ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
const char *  threeCharCode,
char *  notice 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_copyright ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  index 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_media_type ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  new_type 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_media_subtype ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleDescriptionIndex,
u32  new_type 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_alternate_group_id ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  groupId 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_add_chapter ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u64  timestamp,
char *  name 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_chapter ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  index 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_watermark ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
bin128  UUID,
u8 data,
u32  length 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_edit_segment ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u64  EditTime,
u64  EditDuration,
u64  MediaTime,
u8  EditMode 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_modify_edit_segment ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  seg_index,
u64  EditDuration,
u64  MediaTime,
u8  EditMode 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_append_edit_segment ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u64  EditDuration,
u64  MediaTime,
u8  EditMode 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_edit_segments ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_edit_segment ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  seg_index 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_add_user_data ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  UserDataType,
bin128  UUID,
char *  data,
u32  DataLength 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_user_data ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  UserDataType,
bin128  UUID 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_user_data_item ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  UserDataType,
bin128  UUID,
u32  UserDataIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_uuid ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
bin128  UUID 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_add_uuid ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
bin128  UUID,
char *  data,
u32  data_size 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_use_compact_size ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u8  CompactionOn 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_brand_info ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  MajorBrand,
u32  MinorVersion 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_modify_alternate_brand ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  Brand,
u8  AddIt 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_reset_alt_brands ( GF_ISOFile *  movie)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_padding_bits ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleNumber,
u8  NbBits 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_visual_info ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex,
u32  Width,
u32  Height 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_layout_info ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  width,
u32  height,
s32  translation_x,
s32  translation_y,
s16  layer 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_matrix ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  matrix[9] 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_pixel_aspect_ratio ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex,
u32  hSpacing,
u32  vSpacing 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_audio_info ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex,
u32  sampleRate,
u32  nbChannels,
u8  bitsPerSample 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_add_sample_fragment ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleNumber,
u16  FragmentSize 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_sample_fragment ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_sample_fragments ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_cts_packing ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
Bool  unpack 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_modify_cts_offset ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sample_number,
u32  offset 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_cts_info ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_media_language ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
char *  three_char_code 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_sample_description ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  streamDescIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_rvc_config ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  track,
u32  sampleDescriptionIndex,
u16  rvc_predefined,
char *  mime,
char *  data,
u32  size 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_name ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
char *  name 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

const char* gf_isom_get_track_name ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_pl_indication ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u8  PL_Code,
u8  ProfileLevel 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_root_od_id ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  OD_ID 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_root_od_url ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
char *  url_string 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_root_od ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_add_desc_to_root_od ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
GF_Descriptor theDesc 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_add_track_to_root_od ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_track_from_root_od ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_new_mpeg4_description ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
GF_ESD esd,
char *  URLname,
char *  URNname,
u32 outDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_change_mpeg4_description ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex,

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_add_desc_to_description ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex,
GF_Descriptor theDesc 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_new_generic_sample_description ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
char *  URLname,
char *  URNname,
GF_GenericSampleDescription udesc,
u32 outDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_change_generic_sample_description ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex,
GF_GenericSampleDescription udesc 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_clone_sample_description ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
GF_ISOFile *  orig_file,
u32  orig_track,
u32  orig_desc_index,
char *  URLname,
char *  URNname,
u32 outDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_clone_sample_descriptions ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
GF_ISOFile *  orig_file,
u32  orig_track,
Bool  reset_existing 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_clone_track ( GF_ISOFile *  orig_file,
u32  orig_track,
GF_ISOFile *  dest_file,
Bool  keep_data_ref,
u32 dest_track 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_clone_pl_indications ( GF_ISOFile *  orig,
GF_ISOFile *  dest 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_clone_root_od ( GF_ISOFile *  input,
GF_ISOFile *  output 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_clone_movie ( GF_ISOFile *  orig_file,
GF_ISOFile *  dest_file,
Bool  clone_tracks,
Bool  keep_hint_tracks,
Bool  keep_pssh 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool gf_isom_is_same_sample_description ( GF_ISOFile *  f1,
u32  tk1,
u32  sdesc_index1,
GF_ISOFile *  f2,
u32  tk2,
u32  sdesc_index2 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_JPEG2000 ( GF_ISOFile *  mov,
Bool  set_on 
GF_Err gf_isom_reset_tables ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
Bool  reset_sample_count 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_reset_data_offset ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u64 top_box_start 
GF_Err gf_isom_release_segment ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
Bool  reset_tables 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_open_segment ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
const char *  fileName,
u64  start_range,
u64  end_range,
Bool  is_scalable_segment 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_highest_track_in_scalable_segment ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  for_base_track 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_setup_track_fragment ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  TrackID,
u32  DefaultStreamDescriptionIndex,
u32  DefaultSampleDuration,
u32  DefaultSampleSize,
u8  DefaultSampleIsSync,
u8  DefaultSamplePadding,
u16  DefaultDegradationPriority 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_change_track_fragment_defaults ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  TrackID,
u32  DefaultSampleDescriptionIndex,
u32  DefaultSampleDuration,
u32  DefaultSampleSize,
u8  DefaultSampleIsSync,
u8  DefaultSamplePadding,
u16  DefaultDegradationPriority 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_finalize_for_fragment ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  media_segment_type 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_movie_duration ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u64  duration 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_start_fragment ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
Bool  moof_first 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_start_segment ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
char *  SegName,
Bool  memory_mode 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_traf_base_media_decode_time ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  TrackID,
u64  decode_time 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_close_segment ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
s32  subsegs_per_sidx,
u32  referenceTrackID,
u64  ref_track_decode_time,
s32  timestamp_shift,
u64  ref_track_next_cts,
Bool  daisy_chain_sidx,
Bool  last_segment,
u32  segment_marker_4cc,
u64 index_start_range,
u64 index_end_range 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_flush_fragments ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
Bool  last_segment 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_fragment_reference_time ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  reference_track_ID,
u64  ntp,
u64  timestamp 
GF_Err gf_isom_allocate_sidx ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
s32  subsegs_per_sidx,
Bool  daisy_chain_sidx,
u32  nb_segs,
u32 frags_per_segment,
u32 start_range,
u32 end_range 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_fragment_option ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  TrackID,
u32  Code,
u32  param 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_fragment_add_sample ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  TrackID,
GF_ISOSample sample,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex,
u32  Duration,
u8  PaddingBits,
u16  DegradationPriority,
Bool  redundantCoding 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_fragment_append_data ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  TrackID,
char *  data,
u32  data_size,
u8  PaddingBits 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void gf_isom_reset_fragment_info ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
Bool  keep_sample_count 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u64 gf_isom_get_fragmented_duration ( GF_ISOFile *  movie)

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_fragments_count ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
Bool  segments_only 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_fragmented_samples_info ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackID,
u32 nb_samples,
u64 duration 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_fragment_add_sai ( GF_ISOFile *  output,
GF_ISOFile *  input,
u32  TrackID,
u32  SampleNum 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_clone_pssh ( GF_ISOFile *  output,
GF_ISOFile *  input,
Bool  in_moof 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_sync_table ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_sync_shadows ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_sync_shadow ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleNumber,
u32  syncSample 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_group ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  GroupID 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_priority_in_group ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  InversePriority 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_max_samples_per_chunk ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  maxSamplesPerChunk 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_extraction_slc ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex,
GF_SLConfig slConfig 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_extraction_slc ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex,
GF_SLConfig **  slConfig 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_track_group ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_track_priority_in_group ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_store_movie_config ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
Bool  remove_all 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_load_movie_config ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_make_interleave ( GF_ISOFile *  mp4file,
Double  TimeInSec 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_setup_hint_track ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  HintType 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_new_hint_description ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
s32  HintTrackVersion,
s32  LastCompatibleVersion,
u8  Rely,
u32 HintDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_begin_hint_sample ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  HintDescriptionIndex,
u32  TransmissionTime 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_end_hint_sample ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u8  IsRandomAccessPoint 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_hint_blank_data ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u8  AtBegin 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_hint_direct_data ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
char *  data,
u32  dataLength,
u8  AtBegin 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_hint_sample_data ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  SourceTrackID,
u32  SampleNumber,
u16  DataLength,
u32  offsetInSample,
char *  extra_data,
u8  AtBegin 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_hint_sample_description_data ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  SourceTrackID,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex,
u16  DataLength,
u32  offsetInDescription,
u8  AtBegin 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_rtp_packet_begin ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
s32  relativeTime,
u8  PackingBit,
u8  eXtensionBit,
u8  MarkerBit,
u8  PayloadType,
u8  B_frame,
u8  IsRepeatedPacket,
u16  SequenceNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_rtp_packet_set_flags ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u8  PackingBit,
u8  eXtensionBit,
u8  MarkerBit,
u8  disposable_packet,
u8  IsRepeatedPacket 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_rtp_packet_set_offset ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
s32  timeOffset 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_rtp_set_timescale ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  HintDescriptionIndex,
u32  TimeScale 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_rtp_set_time_offset ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  HintDescriptionIndex,
u32  TimeOffset 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_rtp_set_time_sequence_offset ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  HintDescriptionIndex,
u32  SequenceNumberOffset 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_sdp_add_track_line ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
const char *  text 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_sdp_clean_track ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_sdp_add_line ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
const char *  text 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_sdp_clean ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_dump ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
FILE *  trace 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_dump_hint_sample ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  SampleNum,
FILE *  trace 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_sdp_get ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
const char **  sdp,
u32 length 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_sdp_track_get ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
const char **  sdp,
u32 length 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_payt_count ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const char* gf_isom_get_payt_info ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  index,
u32 payID 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_reset_hint_reader ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sample_start,
u32  ts_offset,
u32  sn_offset,
u32  ssrc 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_next_hint_packet ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
char **  pck_data,
u32 pck_size,
Bool disposable,
Bool repeated,
u32 trans_ts,
u32 sample_num 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_3GPConfig* gf_isom_3gp_config_get ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_3gp_config_new ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
GF_3GPConfig config,
char *  URLname,
char *  URNname,
u32 outDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_3gp_config_update ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
GF_3GPConfig config,
u32  DescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_AVCConfig* gf_isom_avc_config_get ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  DescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_AVCConfig* gf_isom_svc_config_get ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  DescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_avc_svc_type ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  DescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_hevc_shvc_type ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  DescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_HEVCConfig* gf_isom_hevc_config_get ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  DescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_HEVCConfig* gf_isom_shvc_config_get ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  DescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool gf_isom_has_scalable_layer ( GF_ISOFile *  file)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_nalu_extract_mode ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  nalu_extract_mode 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_nalu_extract_mode ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_avc_config_new ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
GF_AVCConfig cfg,
char *  URLname,
char *  URNname,
u32 outDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_avc_config_update ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  DescriptionIndex,
GF_AVCConfig cfg 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_svc_config_update ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  DescriptionIndex,
GF_AVCConfig cfg,
Bool  is_additional 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_svc_config_new ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
GF_AVCConfig cfg,
char *  URLname,
char *  URNname,
u32 outDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_svc_config_del ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  DescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_avc_set_inband_config ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  DescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_hevc_set_inband_config ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  DescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_hevc_config_new ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
GF_HEVCConfig cfg,
char *  URLname,
char *  URNname,
u32 outDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_hevc_config_update ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  DescriptionIndex,
GF_HEVCConfig cfg 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_shvc_config_update ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  DescriptionIndex,
GF_HEVCConfig cfg,
Bool  is_additional 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_text_set_streaming_mode ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
Bool  do_convert 

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_text_dump ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  track,
FILE *  dump,
u32  dump_type 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_text_get_encoded_tx3g ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
u32  track,
u32  sidx,
u32  sidx_offset,
char **  tx3g,
u32 tx3g_size 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_text_has_similar_description ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
GF_TextSampleDescriptor desc,
u32 outDescIdx,
Bool same_box,
Bool same_styles 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_TextSample* gf_isom_new_text_sample ( )

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gf_isom_delete_text_sample ( GF_TextSample *  tx_samp)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_GenericSubtitleSample* gf_isom_new_generic_subtitle_sample ( )
void gf_isom_delete_generic_subtitle_sample ( GF_GenericSubtitleSample *  generic_subtitle_samp)
GF_Err gf_isom_new_webvtt_description ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
GF_TextSampleDescriptor desc,
char *  URLname,
char *  URNname,
u32 outDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_update_webvtt_description ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  descriptionIndex,
const char *  config 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_new_text_description ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
GF_TextSampleDescriptor desc,
char *  URLname,
char *  URNname,
u32 outDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_update_text_description ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  descriptionIndex,
GF_TextSampleDescriptor desc 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_text_reset ( GF_TextSample *  tx_samp)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_text_reset_styles ( GF_TextSample *  samp)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_text_set_utf16_marker ( GF_TextSample *  samp)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_text_add_text ( GF_TextSample *  tx_samp,
char *  text_data,
u32  text_len 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_text_add_style ( GF_TextSample *  tx_samp,
GF_StyleRecord rec 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_text_add_highlight ( GF_TextSample *  samp,
u16  start_char,
u16  end_char 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_text_set_highlight_color ( GF_TextSample *  samp,
u8  r,
u8  g,
u8  b,
u8  a 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_text_set_highlight_color_argb ( GF_TextSample *  samp,
u32  argb 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_text_add_karaoke ( GF_TextSample *  samp,
u32  start_time 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_text_set_karaoke_segment ( GF_TextSample *  samp,
u32  end_time,
u16  start_char,
u16  end_char 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_text_set_scroll_delay ( GF_TextSample *  samp,
u32  scroll_delay 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_text_add_hyperlink ( GF_TextSample *  samp,
char *  URL,
char *  altString,
u16  start_char,
u16  end_char 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_text_set_box ( GF_TextSample *  samp,
s16  top,
s16  left,
s16  bottom,
s16  right 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_text_add_blink ( GF_TextSample *  samp,
u16  start_char,
u16  end_char 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_text_set_wrap ( GF_TextSample *  samp,
u8  wrap_flags 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_ISOSample* gf_isom_text_to_sample ( GF_TextSample *  tx_samp)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_generic_subtitle_reset ( GF_GenericSubtitleSample *  samp)
GF_ISOSample* gf_isom_generic_subtitle_to_sample ( GF_GenericSubtitleSample *  tx_samp)
GF_Err gf_isom_generic_subtitle_sample_add_text ( GF_GenericSubtitleSample *  samp,
char *  text_data,
u32  text_len 
GF_Err gf_isom_xml_subtitle_reset ( GF_GenericSubtitleSample *  samp)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_new_xml_subtitle_description ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
char *  xmlnamespace,
char *  xml_schema_loc,
char *  mimes,
u32 outDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_ISOSample* gf_isom_xml_subtitle_to_sample ( GF_GenericSubtitleSample *  tx_samp)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_xml_subtitle_sample_add_text ( GF_GenericSubtitleSample *  samp,
char *  text_data,
u32  text_len 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_ISMASample* gf_isom_ismacryp_new_sample ( )

creates a new empty ISMA sample

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gf_isom_ismacryp_delete_sample ( GF_ISMASample samp)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_ISMASample* gf_isom_ismacryp_sample_from_data ( char *  data,
u32  dataLength,
Bool  use_selective_encryption,
u8  KI_length,
u8  IV_length 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_ismacryp_sample_to_sample ( GF_ISMASample s,
GF_ISOSample dest 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_ISMASample* gf_isom_get_ismacryp_sample ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
GF_ISOSample samp,
u32  sampleDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_is_media_encrypted ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool gf_isom_is_ismacryp_media ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool gf_isom_is_omadrm_media ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_omadrm_info ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleDescriptionIndex,
u32 outOriginalFormat,
u32 outSchemeType,
u32 outSchemeVersion,
const char **  outContentID,
const char **  outRightsIssuerURL,
const char **  outTextualHeaders,
u32 outTextualHeadersLen,
u64 outPlaintextLength,
u32 outEncryptionType,
Bool outSelectiveEncryption,
u32 outIVLength,
u32 outKeyIndicationLength 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_ismacryp_info ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleDescriptionIndex,
u32 outOriginalFormat,
u32 outSchemeType,
u32 outSchemeVersion,
const char **  outSchemeURI,
const char **  outKMS_URI,
Bool outSelectiveEncryption,
u32 outIVLength,
u32 outKeyIndicationLength 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_original_format_type ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleDescriptionIndex,
u32 outOriginalFormat 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_track_protection ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_ismacryp_protection ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  desc_index,
u32  scheme_type,
u32  scheme_version,
char *  scheme_uri,
char *  kms_URI,
Bool  selective_encryption,
u32  KI_length,
u32  IV_length 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_change_ismacryp_protection ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex,
char *  scheme_uri,
char *  kms_uri 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_oma_protection ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  desc_index,
char *  contentID,
char *  kms_URI,
u32  encryption_type,
u64  plainTextLength,
char *  textual_headers,
u32  textual_headers_len,
Bool  selective_encryption,
u32  KI_length,
u32  IV_length 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_cenc_allocate_storage ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  container_type,
u32  AlgorithmID,
u8  IV_size,
bin128  KID 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_track_cenc_add_sample_info ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  container_type,
char *  buf,
u32  len 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_cenc_protection ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  desc_index,
u32  scheme_type,
u32  scheme_version,
u32  default_IsEncrypted,
u8  default_IV_size,
bin128  default_KID 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_cenc_set_pssh ( GF_ISOFile *  mp4,
bin128  systemID,
u32  version,
u32  KID_count,
bin128 KID,
char *  data,
u32  len 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_cenc_saiz ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_cenc_saio ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_samp_enc_box ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_samp_group_box ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_pssh_box ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gf_isom_ipmpx_remove_tool_list ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool gf_isom_is_cenc_media ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_cenc_info ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleDescriptionIndex,
u32 outOriginalFormat,
u32 outSchemeType,
u32 outSchemeVersion,
u32 outIVLength 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gf_isom_cenc_samp_aux_info_del ( GF_CENCSampleAuxInfo samp_aux_info)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_cenc_get_sample_aux_info ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleNumber,
GF_CENCSampleAuxInfo **  sai,
u32 container_type 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gf_isom_cenc_get_default_info ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sampleDescriptionIndex,
u32 default_IsEncrypted,
u8 default_IV_size,
bin128 default_KID 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_pssh_count ( GF_ISOFile *  file)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_pssh_info ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
u32  pssh_index,
bin128  SystemID,
u32 KID_count,
const bin128 **  KIDs,
const u8 **  private_data,
u32 private_data_size 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_dump_ismacryp_protection ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
FILE *  trace 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_dump_ismacryp_sample ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  SampleNum,
FILE *  trace 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_meta_type ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
Bool  root_meta,
u32  track_num 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_has_meta_xml ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
Bool  root_meta,
u32  track_num 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_extract_meta_xml ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
Bool  root_meta,
u32  track_num,
char *  outName,
Bool is_binary 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_meta_item_count ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
Bool  root_meta,
u32  track_num 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_meta_item_info ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
Bool  root_meta,
u32  track_num,
u32  item_num,
u32 itemID,
u32 protection_idx,
Bool is_self_reference,
const char **  item_name,
const char **  item_mime_type,
const char **  item_encoding,
const char **  item_url,
const char **  item_urn 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_meta_item_by_id ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
Bool  root_meta,
u32  track_num,
u32  item_ID 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_extract_meta_item ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
Bool  root_meta,
u32  track_num,
u32  item_num,
const char *  dump_file_name 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_extract_meta_item_mem ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
Bool  root_meta,
u32  track_num,
u32  item_id,
char **  out_data,
u32 out_size,
const char **  mime_type 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_meta_primary_item_id ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
Bool  root_meta,
u32  track_num 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_meta_type ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
Bool  root_meta,
u32  track_num,
u32  metaType 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_meta_xml ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
Bool  root_meta,
u32  track_num 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_meta_xml ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
Bool  root_meta,
u32  track_num,
char *  XMLFileName,
Bool  IsBinaryXML 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_meta_xml_memory ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
Bool  root_meta,
u32  track_num,
unsigned char *  data,
u32  data_size,
Bool  IsBinaryXML 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_add_meta_item ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
Bool  root_meta,
u32  track_num,
Bool  self_reference,
char *  resource_path,
const char *  item_name,
u32  item_id,
const char *  mime_type,
const char *  content_encoding,
const char *  URL,
const char *  URN 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_add_meta_item_memory ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
Bool  root_meta,
u32  track_num,
const char *  item_name,
u32  item_id,
const char *  mime_type,
const char *  content_encoding,
char *  data,
u32  data_len 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_remove_meta_item ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
Bool  root_meta,
u32  track_num,
u32  item_num 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_meta_primary_item ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
Bool  root_meta,
u32  track_num,
u32  item_num 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_timed_meta_data_info ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
u32  track,
u32  sampleDescription,
Bool is_xml,
const char **  mime_or_namespace,
const char **  content_encoding,
const char **  schema_loc 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_timed_meta_data_config_new ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
Bool  is_xml,
char *  mime_or_namespace,
char *  content_encoding,
char *  schema_loc,
char *  URLname,
char *  URNname,
u32 outDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_apple_get_tag ( GF_ISOFile *  mov,
u32  tag,
const char **  data,
u32 data_len 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_apple_set_tag ( GF_ISOFile *  mov,
u32  tag,
const char *  data,
u32  data_len 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_ipod_compatible ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_track_switch_group_count ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32 alternateGroupID,
u32 nb_groups 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const u32* gf_isom_get_track_switch_parameter ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  group_index,
u32 switchGroupID,
u32 criteriaListSize 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_track_switch_parameter ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  trackRefGroup,
Bool  is_switch_group,
u32 switchGroupID,
u32 criteriaList,
u32  criteriaListCount 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_reset_track_switch_parameter ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
Bool  reset_all_group 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_reset_switch_parameters ( GF_ISOFile *  movie)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_dims_description ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  descriptionIndex,
GF_DIMSDescription desc 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_new_dims_description ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
GF_DIMSDescription desc,
char *  URLname,
char *  URNname,
u32 outDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_update_dims_description ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  trackNumber,
GF_DIMSDescription desc,
char *  URLname,
char *  URNname,
u32  DescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_AC3Config* gf_isom_ac3_config_get ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  StreamDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_ac3_config_new ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
GF_AC3Config cfg,
char *  URLname,
char *  URNname,
u32 outDescriptionIndex 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_sample_has_subsamples ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  track,
u32  sampleNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_sample_get_subsample ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  track,
u32  sampleNumber,
u32  subSampleNumber,
u32 size,
u8 priority,
u32 reserved,
Bool discardable 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_add_subsample ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  track,
u32  sampleNumber,
u32  subSampleSize,
u8  priority,
u32  reserved,
Bool  discardable 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_fragment_add_subsample ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  TrackID,
u32  subSampleSize,
u8  priority,
u32  reserved,
Bool  discardable 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_fragment_copy_subsample ( GF_ISOFile *  dest,
u32  TrackID,
GF_ISOFile *  orig,
u32  track,
u32  sampleNumber 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

u32 gf_isom_get_next_moof_number ( GF_ISOFile *  movie)

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void gf_isom_set_next_moof_number ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  value 

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_sample_rap_roll_info ( GF_ISOFile *  the_file,
u32  trackNumber,
u32  sample_number,
Bool is_rap,
Bool has_roll,
s32 roll_distance 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_rap_group ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  track,
u32  sample_number,
u32  num_leading_samples 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_roll_group ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  track,
u32  sample_number,
s16  roll_distance 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_sample_cenc_group ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  track,
u32  sample_number,
Bool  isEncrypted,
u8  IV_size,
bin128  KeyID 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_set_composition_offset_mode ( GF_ISOFile *  file,
u32  track,
Bool  use_negative_offsets 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

GF_Err gf_isom_get_sample_cenc_info ( GF_ISOFile *  movie,
u32  track,
u32  sample_number,
u32 IsEncrypted,
u8 IV_size,
bin128 KID 

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function: